Logon Studio
Published on March 7, 2005 By Double Zero In Stardock Support General
As much as I hate to ask for directions (my wife tells me it's a "Male Ego" thing..LoL)

I am having trouble with creating Logons in Logon Studio,(free version).
I have followed the Tutorial to the very letter in the help section to no avail. I had wrote it off to being a feature only available in the *Pro version(actually creating Logon's)but in a recent post here on these boards I was corrected, so now I come to the experts for help!

When I form the log-on that I want to use and click the "Save" button I get an error that reads *Run time error 53* *File not found JPG Utils.dll* Is this DLL file something that I can download and install from somewhere?, apparently it seems I do not have it and Logon studio wants it.

Thanks a bunch to anyone that can shed a bit of light my way on this issue,

on Mar 07, 2005
First... there is no "Pro" version. You have the only version there is.

Now for the missing dll...... you can probably do a search and find it to download, BUT, you probably don't need it if you'll use only BMP's when you create your logon. LogonStudio loads the jpgutils.dll when saving logons that use jpg, to convert them to bmp.

on Mar 07, 2005
HuH, thanks Koasati, but uuuuuummmm..I am using BMP's for the logons I "want" to create and I do still get the error.

I also have tried creating a logon, making no changes to the windows standard logon in the create preview panel, and clicking "Save" and the error pops up...

I may try putting the file in the *Exclude list in Nortons, reinstall Logon studio and see if that helps..

It's unfortunate, but I am running so much security software that it could be any number of them deleting the file.

Anyway, unless you or someone has better solutions in mind,( which would be awesome!) thats my current planned course of action..

on Mar 07, 2005
That worked!...I simply excluded the file from Nortons and reinstalled Logon Studio, works like a charm now!

Now I can quit looking for "hacks" to the proggie to make it do what I want it to do..LoL!

on Mar 07, 2005
I don't know if this will help, but I did an online virus scan with the infamous Norton, and it said I had a abc.keylogger bug in my jpgutils.dll. I took a screen shot of the results if anyone wants to see it. I have over $200 worth of security programs that did not pick up this bug.
on Mar 07, 2005
Clwoods, there seems to be issues with that file (jpgutils.dll) I found an abundant source of info when I did a web search looking for the file.

Needless to say I did not spend alot of time reading about it, I did note that the Keylogger bug has been a known problem with it, they say that Nortons is reading it incorrectly, the best thing to do, I would suppose, would be to ask Symatec straight up.

I doubt Stardock would be giving us software riddled with Keyloggers and Trojans, I am going to believe that it is just a mistake on Nortons part until I have some reason to believe otherwise... Nortons is good, but it isnt always perfect, and there are those that say it isnt worth a hill of ants..LoL.

on Mar 07, 2005
it isnt worth a hill of ants

I agree completely! From now on I will just trust the programs I paid good money for. They have not let me down yet. Thanks for clearing that up.
on Mar 07, 2005
Sorry bout that DZ...... I honestly thought it only ran when jpg's were used.

clwoods...jpgutils.dll converts jpg to bmp, or bmp to jpg........ nothing more. It is used by certain spyware, but the dll is not the problem, or in any way malicious.

on Mar 07, 2005
I have had the sme problem before, and I actually had Norton's Antivirus autonomously detect this bug and clean it for me. I didn't even know it was there, and then... Norton's siad it was and it cleaned it for me. Anyway, I still get the error, but I will try this fix.

on Mar 07, 2005
No fault of yours Koasati, I *definitely appreciate the input!

Even if the answer I get is incorrect, or off the mark, alot of times it will get my wheels spinning faster..::laughs:: give me other solutions and idea's to try, and that alone is worth thanking you.

on Mar 07, 2005
clwoods...jpgutils.dll converts jpg to bmp, or bmp to jpg........ nothing more

Thanks Koasati, What I should have said was maybe Norton say's that because of a possible vulnerability of that dll. I don't go anywhere to get bugs, and I have great protection. I honestly believe it was a false positive on Norton's part. Pest Patrol, AdAware, Spybot, and AVG7 Pro have never detected it.