I mean really sick!
Published on November 12, 2005 By Double Zero In WinCustomize Talk
It's been over 2 years since I have gotten the flu and I would have been quite happy had I never - EVER - gotten it again! I HATE being sick!!..((LoL..who really likes it, right?))

Aside from doing all the usual- Plenty to drink, Juice, Water, Tea (not alcohol..but I may try it!), Eating fruits and veggies high in vitimin "C" And the "Rest"... Well..Ok..I have a problem with the whole "Get Plenty Of Rest" thing...I cant afford to lay in bed..but thats the only part that I skimp on!..

Anyway.. What I was really interested in asking everyone, since WC is *World Wide* is- what are some of your own home remedies for the common flu..

Like for instance, my grandmother swore chicken noodle soup was the "Cure" for the flu (And yes I am eating a bowl of it as I type this, LoL)

Others have said Garlic has potential, although I love Garlic I can only take so much of it for reasons I really do not need to mention, LoL..

So, how about it, what are some of your family flu remedies....

Comments (Page 1)
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on Nov 12, 2005
on Nov 12, 2005
A shot of Cognac in a hot cup of tea, go to bed and sweat it out. This is a German recipe. (Also known as "a drunken flu is a happy flu").
on Nov 12, 2005
When it comes to colds & flu, I'm of this school: a remedy cures you in a week-- without it, you'll be well in 7 days.

Hope it's sooner for you
on Nov 12, 2005
Hi DZ. Sorry you're sick. The 2 things my family, friends and myself alway's use are Echinacea and Garlic pills. 1000mgs of each every 4 hours. The last time I wrote about this I got alot of flack from people reading on the internet that Echinacea causes an allergic reaction in people. In all the many years that I and all those who have used it that I know have never had a reaction to it. I have mild asthma and my mother had COPD. Neither of us ever experienced the reaction that is claimed to affect those of us with lung problems. I was trained in herbal medicine by a Cherokee Medicine woman. I have even used it on my grand children with great success. As with all herbs and medicines or food for that matter, there are alway's going to be those that suffer reactions from one thing or another. And it is not advised to take Echinacea with an antibiotic. Antibiotics destroy and Echinacea builds. Nor should it be taken unless needed. Apparently those who have lung problems or have hayfever are said to be the ones most likely to have a reaction. 2 of the biggest money makers for doctors and there wonderful counterparts. My educated and un-bias opinion about Echinacea is that I believe to scare people about it is another way for the doctors to keep us going to them so they can keep up their pact with the Pharmacutical companies. Echinacea really does work and keeps all those who use it out of the doctors offices and back on the road to health in just a couple day's. Whatever you decide to do, I hope you get better soon.

Unlike the last time I gave this advice, my herbal education and knowledge is not up for debate or attack. I will not engage this time.
on Nov 12, 2005
Hope you're feeling better soon, 00.

Zinc helps symptoms.
on Nov 12, 2005
I've had the flu 3 times in my 80 something years.... Purrrr...

What I did was, puke and shit till...well, till I didn't puke and shit anymore!

Get a flu shot and pray
on Nov 12, 2005
A quart of Jack Daniels.
on Nov 13, 2005
When it comes to colds & flu, I'm of this school: a remedy cures you in a week-- without it, you'll be well in 7 days.

Sounds like something I would say. Best remedy for the flu is not to get the flu.

Ok, here is my remedy: drink 1 gallon of milk in 1 hour, chase that with 1/2 gallon of orange juice, take 2 aspirin (or the equivalent if you are not able to take aspirin) and 2 10 mg morphine pills. That should take care of ya, now go and pass out for a day or two, the end is nearing!
on Nov 13, 2005
A whole lot of home brewed beer! It does NOT cure the flu however it does lessen the effects of the flu.
on Nov 13, 2005
I'm currently on meds too so i can feel your pain DZ. I have these terrible headache and a flu. Also i have to give in a semester's assignment in two days and i'm not even half-way there. Get well soon mate.
on Nov 13, 2005
Does anyone know what happens when yo attempt to drink a gallon of milk in an hour?
on Nov 13, 2005
The ominous Flu ...you have my sympathy. I had a flu shot in september. I learned long ago the flu can put you in a hospital. All you can do is wait it out and do not let symptons get out of control without seeing a doctor.
on Nov 13, 2005
Does anyone know what happens when yo attempt to drink a gallon of milk in an hour?

I dunno ..but think it may be a " moooooo-ving experience.
on Nov 13, 2005
Does anyone know what happens when you attempt to drink a gallon of milk in an hour?

As a matter of fact, I do..

...You suddenly sprout udders, and moo a lot.

...Then you start believing you're a cow.

Beware the farmer! ...you DON'T want to be milked ...it ain't pretty

Oh ...yeah ...flu remedies!

Get into bed, rugged up like a polar bear ...and sweat that bugger out. Keep your fluids up. Avoid dairy products till it's gone.
on Nov 13, 2005
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