I've had it...
Published on January 25, 2006 By Double Zero In Personal Computing
Well it is rare for me to ask for help but I have tried all the simple methods that I know...
I have never encountered a problem like this, it really is more of an annoyance than anything else, but it is one I would like to resolve..

First of all, OS = WinXP pro Sp1a
And the View hidden folders and files option is set...
I know, I really should install SP2... eventually..

In my root directory I have a folder/directory that I cannot seem to delete, it contains 1 folder that I cannot delete as well, both are empty,I personally created the folder originally to download a couple programs into. Properties of both folders affirms they are empty as well as hovering the cursor above each in turn..

However, when I attempt to delete either of them I get a message - Cannot delete, Directory is not empty...

I have tried to move the folder to another drive in hopes that I could delete it from there, failed...

I have tried removing it in *Safe Mode, From the Administrator account, and even from the Command line with no joy..

I even went as far as trying the recovery console and received "Access Denied" errors message when attempting to delete the Directory/folders...

Another strange thing is when using the *Dir command on the folder it lists 2 files by date within them, but windows properties claims the folders are empty, I cannot type a path to the phantom files within, all I get in return is the creation dates, no file names...

Any ideas about how I can remove this thing from my HD?

Probably a simple solution,im just not getting it *Sigh*

Thanks in advance for any light anyone can shed on my folder delema...

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jan 25, 2006
I'm beginning to think my name is on a bathroom wall...somewhere.....

on Jan 25, 2006

I'm beginning to think my name is on a bathroom wall...somewhere

Just be glad your phone number is not included.....

Looks like you saved the day again, man.

on Jan 25, 2006
I'm beginning to think my name is on a bathroom wall...somewhere.....

LoL, If it is I havent seen it... Thanx a bunch Yrag but....

Unlocker doesnt work either, it claims that no "Locking handles" are present but that it can help me anyway, I chose to delete the folder which it could not do but asked if I wanted to perform the deletion at the next boot, I chose Ok, rebooted only to find the folder still there, I tried a few times with the same result.. One attempt earned me a blue screen...

The Folder is evil *Laughs* Just refuses to go away...Grrrrrrrrrr
on Jan 25, 2006
Boot into Safe Mode. Right click folder to Security Tab. Give it full authority, apply. Delete and empty Recycle Bin.
on Jan 25, 2006
OK, where's the popcorn?
on Jan 25, 2006

If #4 is a no go, maybe you can kill it when it's not looking......

on Jan 25, 2006
on Jan 26, 2006

Thanks, yraq!

Hey, DZ...nice to see you again.......well, except for the current circumstances.

on Jan 26, 2006

And the View hidden folders and files option is set...

Do you also have "Hide protected operating system files" deselected?

Just for confirmation that the hidden files are not important for some reason.

on Jan 26, 2006
If none of the above works, we're down to DOS or using a wildcard in the Recovery Console.......
on Jan 26, 2006

One last thing before I crash (early wake up for work here)...

I believe you use MS Anti-Spyware.

If so, you may want to shut it down before attempting deletion - especially if we are talking about a "Temp" file of some sort.

I have noticed the same message when clearing my Temp folder, and found this to be the cause.

Good luck.

on Jan 26, 2006
If #4 is a no go, maybe you can kill it when it's not looking......

Didnt work...

Hey, DZ...nice to see you again.......well, except for the current circumstances.

Thanx Corky! I am usually here at least once a day, I have just learned to keep my trap shut, LoL

Do you also have "Hide protected operating system files" deselected?

Sure do...

I believe you use MS Anti-Spyware.If so, you may want to shut it down before attempting deletion - especially if we are talking about a "Temp" file of some sort.

I do and I did with still the same result... Im starting to wonder if it may be malicious code, Virii/worm of some sort...
I do know that it is a pain in the butt!

If none of the above works, we're down to DOS or using a wildcard in the Recovery Console.......

Well so far nothing has had any affect, I have used the command line and the recovery console, with a few of the recommended switch's... Not real familiar with the wildcards or which ones will work..LoL...aside from the fact that I have forgotten almost all of the DOS commands that I did know which was only a handfull at best...
on Jan 26, 2006
In the console: del [drive:][path]filename

Show the path, including folder name and add \*.* as the filename

If it works, it will only delete one file at a time. After the files are deleted, the folder will delete normally.
on Jan 26, 2006
Apprentice Double Zero: have you tried to rename the folders, reboot and then delete them?
on Jan 26, 2006
Apprentice Double Zero: have you tried to rename the folders, reboot and then delete them?

YuP, I renamed the parent "Sianora" and the sub "Getlost" LoL..That didnt work either..

If it works, it will only delete one file at a time. After the files are deleted, the folder will delete normally.

Well Yrag, from the command line it tells my that the folder is now not there, but in the directory itself it *is still there...

I ran the Dir command on C:\ and it does not list the folder anymore..but it is there... *Sighs* I think it's probably time for a fresh reinstall of the OS... Not looking forward to it..Lotts "O" stuff and alot of work Im not looking forward to...

Im going to reboot now in hopes of the folder really disappearing from my files...

I have my doubts...

Be back in a few..
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