Hey there everyone, I have a few, perhaps stoooopid questions but..::laughs:: the answers are beyond me..sooo..here we go..
I have been using WB's for a little under 7 months now, bought the proggie and little by little have been learning what it's capable of doing. One day I decided I would like to try installing suites, well to do this of course I had to DL the free version of Theme Manager, which in turn DL'd a bunch of other free program versions..
Anyway, for the life of me I cannot get the suites to work.. the Boot screens work..but only the ones in the program..I cant install any other new boot screens..Logons just do not work at all (that may be due to the way I have my logon settings tho) But Suites, even the ones that come inside the prog, just will not install..when I hit apply the DL window opens to begin DLing the components of the suite, but it never goes beyond that...any idea's... Or..for suites to work must I have a copy of Object Desktop Plus?
Thanx in advance,