Published on February 16, 2005 By Double Zero In
Hey there everyone, I have a few, perhaps stoooopid questions but..::laughs:: the answers are beyond we go..

I have been using WB's for a little under 7 months now, bought the proggie and little by little have been learning what it's capable of doing. One day I decided I would like to try installing suites, well to do this of course I had to DL the free version of Theme Manager, which in turn DL'd a bunch of other free program versions..

Anyway, for the life of me I cannot get the suites to work.. the Boot screens work..but only the ones in the program..I cant install any other new boot screens..Logons just do not work at all (that may be due to the way I have my logon settings tho) But Suites, even the ones that come inside the prog, just will not install..when I hit apply the DL window opens to begin DLing the components of the suite, but it never goes beyond that...any idea's... Or..for suites to work must I have a copy of Object Desktop Plus?

Thanx in advance,

on Feb 16, 2005
Which version of Theme Manager do you use? Did you download it just recently (within the last week) or a couple of weeks ago?

Older versions of Theme Manager had problems downloading and installing suites due to the suites being moved to another server (which caused the URL's in Theme Manager to be wrong). However, this has been fixed with the newest release (2.19c). I am not sure whether the free version has been updated yet.

Logons won't show up if one of the following is true:

1) you have only one account on your computer and it has no password.
2) you have set WindowXP not to show the logon screen (but have the little net logon instead).

As for your bootskin problem. Try to download manually (not through Theme Manager) a bootskin.

if the downloaded file has the extension .bootskin double-click on it and it should install. If this is not the case, open the bootskin program and click on File > import > and browse for the downloaded bootskin.

if the downloaded file has the extension .zip, unzip the file and you should have a .bootskin file in there, proceed as above.

if the downloaded file has the extension .zip, but after unzipping you have just a folder with a bmp and a bootskin.ini in it > change the extension of the original (zipped) file from .zip to .bootskin. Proceed as above.

To see your file extensions open Windows Explorer > Tools > Folder Options > View > and untick "hide extensions for known file types"

Posted via WinCustomize Browser/Stardock Central
on Feb 16, 2005
Thanks Aufisch for the valuable info and help! apparently my version of theme manager is 2.11 and it is the only one I can find on the web right now..Sooo..::laughs:: that definitely explains the suites problem.. as for boot screen...I have tried all 3 available DL's of the program and I cannot get it to open..I dont know whether it is a conflict between it and theme manager or what..with all three bootscreen progs I can use the bootscreens provided *if I use them through theme manager..but thats it kinda works..but it kinda doesnt...::sighs:: ah well...

It's getting late and I am tired of arguing with all of these proggies at the moment..think I am gonna turn in and try it again tomorrow..

Oh yeah..and as for the logins..::nods:: thats exactly what I thought, you verified it for me..

Thanx a ton!
Take Care,
on Feb 16, 2005
And the solution is .... Hide The Candy!!!

Wait .. oh that suites!

on Feb 16, 2005
and i thought it was just me being a stupid n00b lol

so i thought id check the forum incase its in a FAQ under "stop asking these bloody questions" and i find someone with an identical prob but no solution?

i too have version 2.11 could someone please point us in the right direction to get the update ?
on Feb 19, 2005
2.11.027 or 2.11.029?

Check your SDC if it shows 2.11.029 I think that's the latest.. at least the lastest I've found.

I haven't been using the Theme Mgr lately, just been opening/running the various components. Then I read this post and decided to try it. I have .029 & just downloaded BXSilver by Starone... everything came through and applied except the ObjectDock (forgot what the error was) so I'm downloading it separately to see if I reapply the theme it all works together.
on Feb 19, 2005
A file format you have passed for Object Dock is not valid. That was the error when I reapplied the suite.

But the rest seems to be working.
on Feb 19, 2005
Hi Bichur, Ty for the reply, Umm, your using the free versions of the programs? At the moment that is what I am restricted to until I can afford to buy the whole "Ball of wax" as it were...

on Feb 19, 2005
I have the disc which came with theme mgr - but i don't think it's any diferent than the stand alone version - the stardock site doesn't give an option to buy it as it does windowblinds. I am using the free version of object dock. I don't really need the tabs and such from the +version.

Once I go thru the list to find the one the one to apply & I click apply, if I don't have it installed it will down load when I click 'yes' to apply -- usually, if i remember i first uncheck the application i don't have or want - haven't downloaded rainlender yet so i uncheck it if the suite comes with it.

I don't use bootskin so i have no ideas.

As far as suites have you tried appling thru the other option?.. right click on desktop, properies and when the window comes up do you have a suites tab on top?
on Feb 19, 2005
::nods:: Yes I have, still does not seem to work, but that would make sense if what aufisch says is true,(and I am sure it is) the URLs being incorrect. Apparently though there is an updated version of the program that corrects this..2.19c..Just have to be patient and wait until it is made available for download.

Thanks A bunch,
on Feb 19, 2005
Have you downloaded any off the gallery and allowed to open with theme mgr? Seems to me the url should be correct that way. I'm using firefox and when I click a download.. if it's a suite - theme mgr pops up a default, or cursorxp causes cursorxp to be the default, etc. Haven't used IE in a while so I can't remember if the defaults are there or not.
on Feb 19, 2005
I sure have, theres a very cool one by Apocalypse 67 that I wanted to put up, downloaded just fine, but would not install. I have firefox but I actually havent tried using it to download anything..that is something I havent tried...thanks for the tip..I'll let ya knopw what happens.

on Feb 19, 2005
FireFox so far always shows the right extension & correct default program to open with!
on Feb 20, 2005
Well Bichur, I finally got around to trying it and still, even with firefox suites dont work, but that has nothing to do with firefox..::laughs:: it is Theme Manager that is the culprit...still.

Anyway, didnt hurt a thing to try!,
Thanks for the tip,